Days 82 to 84: almost three months in the USA. Wow, can you believe that?!


Time flies. Now that the routine has set up, the passage of time is faster than before. In the first few weeks everything was new. Now, everything feels like home and you don’t pay attention to all the little things that have become my background. That’s unfortunate, but also okay. It just means this is my home now and has gotten much harder leaving it (can’t think about this. It’s gonna be painful).


Gosh, I hate myself sometimes. I know my mom misses me and that I was a crying baby when I left her in Brazil, but I cannot feel the same thing I felt that day. I still remember crying when the coin dropped, that I was leaving her, my dad, my family behind, that I would see them only a year after. I guess, now that I remember everything, I am also remembering what I felt that day. The overwhelming sadness…

I am getting increasingly worried about my weight. It does kinda seem I am getting fatter. I am not completely sure about that.

Today I got an exciting news: I won the $25.00 gift card for the Bookstore and tomorrow afternoon I’m going to Daniels to reclaim it. That’s gonna be exciting because it’s not always you win something like that. I will probably buy something useful for winter, though. Winter pants, I believe, if I’m sure they will fit me. I don’t know if they have fitting rooms.


On Monday I went to the Mall to buy glasses, pants and another winter jacket. I didn’t manage to buy everything, though: they were soo expensive, specially the glasses. I went first to Sears because some people recommended  me that place, but right before I made the purchase I invented a silly excuse about having to check something at the ATM so that I could leave that place. I realized way before the the frame wasn’t worth the price at all (it was plastic and they were asking $99.00 for the frame and lenses). I didn’t think that was a good deal at all. I could have gotten that frame and lenses in Brazil for less than half that price tag, definitely. I should have said I didn’t want to buy it and that I was leaving way before we reached the point of “how are you going to pay for this?” part, but I wasn’t brave enough until I had no other chance than to have to make a really bad deal. What I did afterwards was to look up another place on the internet that sells frames and glasses. Fortunately, I found a pretty good metal frame plus scratch/damage resistant/non-reflective lenses for just $95.00. Considering how good the frames seemed to be, I thought that was the best deal I could have made that day and in the US without having to resort to prescription glasses websites. I managed to pay everything with my credit card and that means my mom and dad will pay everything for me so that I can save money for the trips. The woman that was talking to me didn’t understand my first name and address at all, but I suppose that’s fine.

Still at the mall, I ran into Gamestop again. Oh man, I almost did the crazy thing of buying a PS4 and some games. It’s soooo cheap and I would felt so good bringing back a PS4 with me to the university, but I couldn’t do that. I HAVE to wait until the first price drop that will certainly happen next year. It’s the wisest decision.

Today I played Baseball at the Game Lab in Hunt Library with my Chinese friends. They were so cool and we had a lot fun trying to make Kinect work. My team lost the match, but that’s okay. I don’t give a shit about winning in virtual games at all. The important thing is to have fun.

Afterwards, I played the Xbox One for the first time and what a great game I started off with: Deadrising 3! That’s a really good game and I better play Xbox One exclusive games as much as I can here because I will probably never buy one.

I will see you!

Day 28: Not a lot happened


IMG_20140910_192959I don’t have a lot to say about Day 28, except that course CE 382 became much harder and got a nice surprise from CE 381 (ie, the lab memo wasn’t due this Friday. It was actually due this Thursday), so I had to spend most of my night at the library and in my room, finishing that.

The Small Group Class class of GTI 401 was great and loads of fun, but I didn’t know I had to bring a song (I thought I had to bring it for the next week’s main class). The Chinese students are very friendly, though. It’s certainly something I never expected (although that’s something I noticed before).

Then I finished my lab memo and went to sleep. Like I said, not a lot happened on Day 28.

Day 27: Made some Chinese friends!


So today started basically like any other day here. Went to have breakfast at Fountain (I started going only there these few last days. It’s the best place to eat in terms of food). It stopped raining here, so now I can enjoy the cool climate properly. MEA 200 was much better today as I felt much less sleepy than before. FOR 220 was pretty interesting because I was the ONLY ONE who hadn’t finished last class homework on the same day (I like taking my time with stuff. It was like that in Brazil and it will never change). After both classes, I left the classrooms with a feeling of “Well done, man. You did it right this time”.


When to Fountain again to have lunch. Ah, and possible one day I will take pics of the interior of the Dining Halls. I’m just a little afraid that is not permitted here. Had a good lunch. Honestly, I’m used to the food now. Maybe some days from now I will see myself wondering how to live without the daily burgers hahahaha

Then I spent the rest of my time in the library trying to study a text for the next class (GTI 401 – US Culture and Education Colloquium) and failing horribly. Honestly, I don’t know exactly what’s happening with me. I just get sleepy whenever I read certain texts.

And well, GTI 401 class was lots of fun. The teacher forced Brazilians to seat with Chinese students and vice-versa, and I met two interesting persons as a result of that. I don’t remember their names in Chinese, but one of them was called Lucas in his American name. Yes, they actually come up with American names so that they don’t make other people struggle with their real names. I imagine everyone who has weird names do that. But I’m lucky my name is already an English name so I don’t have to worry about that. Next time I will definitely try to seat with them. They were a lot of fun, and I do prefer being with foreigners here than with Brazilians.

So after that I went back to Fountain for dinner. It was also pretty good. Again, as in lunch, we had pasta, but the sauce sucked. I don’t know the origins of the sauce here, but it never tastes good.

After dinner I went to a hallway “mandatory” meeting about some questions we have to answer and email to our Mentor of the first floor (his name is Fabian). I don’t remember all the questions, but one was about why I’m taking my current courses and my least favorite course. He also informed when the Fire Marshal will come (it will be this Sept. 26th). I don’t know if you already know about Fire Marshals, but they get inside your room to check for possible fire-igniting zones/devices and you definitely don’t want them to find a toaster in your room, so we have to be prepared for when they come (that is, we have to remove everything that might cause a fire in the room).


Then later I went to a Coffee Talk and got a really cool new mug. Picture is below. I will definitely take it to Brazil! It’s so beautiful!! In the Coffee Talk we talked about the differences between American and foreign universities. It was pretty interesting, but I spent all my time there eating and listening than contributing, unfortunately. This happens very often with me.

After that I went for a burrito at Talley and didn’t like it a lot. I will probably throw away what I didn’t eat. I don’t think I will ever buy another burrito again.

Then I came back to my room to study. I was conflicted between staying here and going to the library, because I study better there, but I decided to stay here in the end. It didn’t feel like worth the effort to go to Hill Library just to stay there 2 hours or so at night. Ah and the person I was planning on going with to Chicago didn’t post anything today, so I think I might have to there by myself. But happily I will meet Adriana and Cleomar there.

Later I found Erick and spent some time in his room. We made plans for a tennis match this Friday afternoon at 3. I invited my roomie and Pedro so that we could form 2 groups of 2.

Ah and I forgot to mention, but Gabriel fell off his skateboard today and it was pretty bad. I hope he’s okay and the insurance will cover most if not all of the costs of the treatment.

And well, here I am not typing. I will post another post tomorrow. Ah and tomorrow I will play another game with my Indian friend again.

See you soon o/